How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites Naturally: Aromaflage Purser

Find out howto get rid ofmosquito bites naturally:The ocean. The warm heat. The ocean breeze. Finally, you're on vacation. But come nighttime you realize the only way to not get bitten from head to toe by mosquitoes is tocoat yourself in dangerous chemicals or plug poisons into the wall. Until Now!Aromaflage is a fine fragrance that also repels insects. From the Southeast Asian tropics, Aromaflage combines notes of citrus fruit, warm cedarwood, silken vanilla, & nourishing Vitamin E.Aromaflage is the perfect fragrance for both holiday travel and stocking stuffers. It is key to maintaining your chic outdoor lifestyle. When it comes in this size, it can get you through long trips outdoors, while it is also small enough to stash in your carry-on.It's recognized as a safe insect repeller by the EPA, so you can be assured you'll stay bite-free withoutthe use of poisons.Aromaflage is comprised of aromatic essential oils native to the Southeast Asian region. Thefragrance is inspired by the age-old tradition of using botanical extracts to repel insects, which is a practice first documented by ancient Roman, Greek, and Indian scholars and is still common in tropical regions worldwide. Aromaflage also contains nourishing Vitamin E, recognized for its restorative properties and protective anti-oxidants, helping to fortify the skin against damaging elements of the outdoors.Why We Love It Idea fortravel Replaces dangerous mainstream brands that endangerskin and health. It helps you get rid of mosquito bites naturally while smelling lovely. Free of DEET, chemicals, and parabens Invented and run by a lovely couple.ReadCouple Creates A Fragrance With A Functionto learnmore.Commitment to quality and functionality These custom 10 ml bottles are made from the finest glass in the world, designed in Italy, and are decorated with precious 24K gold. Aromaflage comes packaged in a travel friendly pouch which lends itself to its on-the-go use. The purser has a spray top to allow for adequate coverage.Apply liberally to exposed skin every 2 hoursINGREDIENTS:Essential oils of cedarwood, vanilla, orange, patchouli, castor seed oil, alcohol, and vanilla
How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites Naturally: Aromaflage Purser

Price: 30.00


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