PurO3 Ozonated Organic Olive Oil

PurO3 Ozonated Organic Olive Oilis made with high quality, organic, extra-virgin, cold pressed olive oil (sourced from Spain), which is then put through a process of ozone injection,'' where ozone is bubbled into the liquid for an extended period of time. Many companies use a cheap coronal discharge ozone generator that can lead to contamination. For purity and quality a cold plasma ozone generator should always be used.When olive oil is infused with activated oxygen (ozone), it takes on a gel-like consistency. Using medical-grade oxygen keeps nitric oxides from forming or entering the oil. The end result is the freshest and purest fully ozonated organic olive oil available today. The beauty of ozone is that it leaves everything it contacts sparkling fresh and pathogen-free with only pure oxygen as a byproduct.Since it's saturated with oxygen and ozone, when you open the lid, it smells like a lightning bolt just went off nearby!Benefits Of Ozonated Organic Olive Oil Useful as a skin moisturizer: Olive oil will penetrate into the skin to provide moisture which helps keep skin supple and smooth. Solution for dry cuticles and nails: A few drops around the nail can help cuticles stay moist. Reduces swelling and inflammation. Scavenger of free radicals: Olive oil contains Vitamin E, which was shown in a 2007 issue of The Journal of Pathology to be successful in fighting photo aging, damage and free radicals. Combats itchy, dry skin: Olive oil has been shown to help relieve inflamed, itchy skin from too much cold weather, psoriasis or eczema. Aids in healing processes and reduces scaring. Hemorrhoids one of the best natural remedies Helps with cellulite reduction Good for removing makeupHealth Benefits Of Olive Oil Olive oil penetrates into the skin to provide moisture that helps keep skin supple and smooth. Natural antibacterial properties: Olive oil can eliminate 99.9% of E.coli in lab studies. A few drops around the nail can help cuticles stay moist. Scavenger of free radicals: Olive oil contains Vitamin E, which was shown in a 2007 issue of The Journal of Pathology to be successful in fighting photo aging, damage and free radicals. Combats itchy, dry skin: Olive oil has been shown to help relieve inflamed, itchy skin from too much cold weather, psoriasis or eczema.Ozonated Organic Olive Oil - Why We Love It PurO3 Olive is a great all-around rescue gel when it comes to rashes, bug bites and fungal and bacterial issues Natural Skin Care: simple, safe, and pure! Certified Organic Rich Moisturizer Highly Absorbable They use a cold plasma ozone generator Enhances your beauty, naturally! Packaged using glass container No other ingredients included that we can't pronounce or identify! PurO3 is so confident about their products that they offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Try it risk-free.
PurO3 Ozonated Organic Olive Oil
Price: 24.95
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