Onnit Alpha BRAIN Memory and Focus

Onnit AlphaBRAIN is formulated with earth grown ingredients (read:herbs) to give you anedge in conquering the hurdles of everyday life.Nootropics, which are brain enhancers, are revolutionizing the lives of of millions.By usingnatural ingredients that activate neurotransmittersin the braing, you can boost performance and cognitive thinking, whilereducingoxidative stress.AlphaBRAIN gives you the advantage in the natural competitive nature of life. Whether you're managing a small business, dealing with the ups and downs of dating, or trying to keep a willful child in line, life demands the ability to think, process, and compete on a higher level to consistently get the best results.Thus far two trials have been conducted on Alpha BRAINby the Boston Center for Memory.The firstwas a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial with the goal of investigating the efficacy of Alpha BRAIN on cognitive functioning and sleep in a group of 17 healthy adults.The results indicated increases in verbal memory and executive functioning and the testers at the Boston Center for Memory thought a larger trial would be justified.The second trial wasagain a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial with the same goal. But this time, 63 healthy adults participated.Again, increases in verbal memory and executive functioning were identified, with 12percentgreater improvement in verbal recall over placebo and 21percentfaster completion time in executive function assessment compared to baseline.This results and methodologies of this trial were accepted and published by the Journal of Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental.The four key ingredients of AlphaBRAIN uses to put you at the top are:Bacopa Monniera -Bacopa Monniera has been used for centuries in the traditional Ayurvedic medical system of India. Clinical studies show its ability to improve cognitive disorders, reduce oxidative damage, enhance cognitive function, improvememory. And it also boasts antioxidant and aptogenic properties.Cats Claw - Cats claw, referred to as Sacred Herb of the Forest,''is native to the Amazon rainforest and is revered by traditional cultures for its antioxidant and immune-boosting properties. Use of cat's claw repairs DNA, combats free radicals, and enhances immune, circulatory, and respiratory systems. From cat's claw,AC-11 The Rainforest Super Herb was formulated.Huperzia Serrata -The major benefit of Huperzia Serrate is it's ability to inhibitAcetylcholinesterase (AchE). AcheE is responsible for the breakdown of Acetylcholine. By inhibiting AchE, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is made available to the brain in larger doses. Acetlycholine is beneficial in enhancing short-term memory, regulating heart rate, and supporting the digestive tract.Oat Straw -Alpha BRAIN includes highly concentrated oat straw (Avena sativa). Oat straw has been shown to alleviate neurological stress and exhaustion, leading to increased cognitive performance.Why We Love It: Improves memory Repairs DNA Increased mental speed Reduced free radical damage Increases ability to focus on complex tasks Improve mental speed in response to stimuli Supports stress management Alleviates stress and exhaustion Reduces oxidative stress Enhances short-term memory Certified Drug-free No-GMO Caffeine free Gluten free
Onnit Alpha BRAIN Memory & Focus
Price: 34.95
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